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Part of an EXTRAORDINARY Hispanic Leadership Team in one of Milksource sites.

Mr. Ledwith was one of the best teachers I have had throughout my academic experience. As a biology teacher he was able to explain subjects clearly, lectures were easy to follow, and very entertaining. He was able to teach students from different backgrounds in both English and Spanish. Mr.Ledwith is very friendly and outgoing, which makes him very reachable to ask any questions or for clarification if something was not understood. At the same time, the extensive knowledge he has as a veterinarian, allowed us to learn more about animal diseases, procedures, and behaviors. Hearing his experiences as a veterinarian, conveyed his love for animals, especially cattle. He inspired other classmates and myself, to consider the field of veterinary medicine, biology and teaching.


Dayana Guzman, Tempe High School Student Services Specialist, Northern Arizona University Student

View this video to hear Patrick Lencioni describe on how the model works 



Example of Assessments: (please Click on the red underlined word to access link) 


  • Assessment Report (This report is designed to provide a clear, concise & practical guide to improve your team.)

  • Comparison Report (A team is made up of individuals, 1-1 relationships can have a big impact on the team as a whole. This report is designed to help you better understand Martin & to build a more effective working relationship with him. ALL of the info is derived from the responses "you" & Martin gave on the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Assessments.)


Case Studies and Materials:


  • Learn how Microsoft successfully used the five behaviors of a cohesive team

  • Read how Lee Memorial Health Systems used the five behaviors to transform a diverse department into a healthy team

  • Read how a City Manager molds a city government into a cohesive team 

“Not finance.  Not strategy.  Not technology.  It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”

                                                                                                    – Patrick Lencioni

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